Friday, April 25, 2008

::april fool::

i know im really behind on the april fools stuff.. but i just came across this yesterday...and thought it was "mighty" clever xD


Thursday, April 24, 2008

::portry smell::

how do you portray smell? my mom shared with me a novel by german writer, patrick suskin, this past winter.. a horrifying yet delicately thought provoking story- "perfume" the ability to smell plays such a crucial role in our lives, but we often over look it. experiments showed that with the aroma we cannot taste.. could one illustrate ::smell::?


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

meet mr. p

::mr. p from propaganda::

the "mr. p" collection from propaganda is one of my favorite designer's items out there.. "propaganda" is a thai design company with a great sense of humor... gotta love the look of these little men and they bareness... it's definitely one of its own kind...=) i first encounter mr. p in the headquarter of Eslite Bookstore (誠品) in Taipei and couldn't resist to smile and applaud for the designer's creativity.

now you can find some of the mr. p items selling on ::shopmodi:: in the US! and they are decently priced!
